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What are the repertoire requirements?

There's no specific requirement!  We are a classical music competition so please choose repertoire accordingly, but we do not request specific pieces or time periods.  Choose whatever represents your artistic merit best

Do I have to play the same pieces in all rounds?

There are no specific requirements for that. You can play the same pieces; or you can play completely different  program; or you can play a combination of both. You decide everything about your repertory yourself.

What makes this competition unlike any other?

It's fully virtual with many innovative elements you can view above in the slides and boxes. Our Broadcasts are made using TV technology (NOT Zoom!)

How do I know I'm good enough to compete?

All levels are welcome to compete!  With many categories to excel in and multiple age groups to win in, this competition provides one of the biggest lineups of winners and prizes out there. Check the 2020 Gallery. If you aren't sure - apply for non-competitive. You are still  eligible to observe masterclasses for FREE

Do I need a recording to enter?

For Prelims you can choose to perform live or to submit a video (or a link to YouTube)

¿Cuáles son los requisitos del repertorio?

¡No hay ningún requisito específico!  Somos un concurso de música clásica, así que elija el repertorio en consecuencia, pero no solicitamos piezas o períodos de tiempo específicos.  Elija lo que represente mejor su mérito artístico

How do I know my equipment is good enough to compete?

Visit the Sign Up page and scroll down to Technical Requirements for a list of things you will need to have a stress-free time in the tech check.  If you already meet the minimum, apply with confidence.  If not, we recommend finding the equipment online or borrowing from friends.  All of these are widely available

My teacher is one of the judges, can I still apply to compete?

Absolutely! Your performance will be adjudicated by the panel which will EXCLUDE your current and previous teachers

Do I have to win first place, to receive any prizes?

Not at all! Prizes are offered by distinguished companies with vast experience in promoting performing arts which are experts in classical music. Each company will award their prize(s) to contestant(s) of their own choice. Their decisions may or may not match those of the judges'. Some companies may choose to not award their prizes

Will my teacher get recognition?

Of course! Your teachers shared their knowledge and inspiration with you! the Competition will recognize teachers and schools of every contestant on the Teachers page. If you win, your teacher will be invited to join the live broadcast and receive special recognition during virtual Awards Ceremony

I still have more questions. What should I do?

Scroll down to the Get In Touch section and send us your question by email directly.  We will do our best to answer your questions there!

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