Laureates Gala Sponsorship

Laureate Gala will sponsor a limited number of Awards to soloists, piano, instrumental and vocal, for a performance at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall.
These Awards are provided by progressive Musicians and Virtual Concert Halls. The Award includes a fully sponsored performance on the Gala program of up to 5 minutes, plus:
A Carnegie Hall Archival DIGITAL VIDEO of performance (see Regulations for acceptable uses as per by Carnegie Hall rules)
Medals; Certificates
Full color brochure (digital and printed)
Complimentary tickets
Winners will be interviewed by Steve Robinson, a world renowned producer of classical music radio shows
This Award is Sponsored by
Progressive Musicians and Virtual Concert Halls

Our team is constantly working to develop new outlets that provide musicians opportunities to learn, improve, and celebrate milestones. Currently we are hosting online competitions that provide each contestant with the expert feedback from professional musicians, and prizes ranging from our world-wide online showcases, to performing opportunities in some of the most prestigious performance venues around the world. We believe that it is important to recognize all of the instruction and support that went into the training and development of musicians. We also recognize the various rates of progress. Progress does not always happen at a steady rate. Progress may be quicker for some, and slower for others. Yet still progress may vary from person to person. As long as one is making progress, there will be milestones to celebrate.